Hi all!! Today I get to share with you a technique project created with those ohhhhhhh so wonderful GCD Studios goodies!! I know you all were interested awhile back in how I made those sweater flowers, so I put together a tutorial to show you step by step exactly how to make them. First the project:

I've been feeling such a wonder and amazement at this beautiful world we live in lately! I think springtime just brings this out. I'm just so thankful for all of God's creations and they really do pass all my understanding. The journaling on this lo is from the lyrics to a song by Cherie Call entitled It Passes All My Understanding. I love the GCD Studios products I used for this lo. They reflect that feeling of happiness and joy I felt as I created this project.
Now for the tutorial:

The lyrics are beautiful and here they are if you would care to read them:
I was sitting on a southbound plane, I was buried in a magazine
When the man in the next seat over wanted to talk to me
He talked about the universe, He talked about Saturn's rings
He said, "I might be an atheist, Except for just one thing:
It passes all my understanding How it all worked out just right
The distance that we live from the sun, The stars that shine at night
We may prove that it was just an accident but how did it begin?
It passes all my understanding"
I told him, "You are a scholar; You know things that I don't know
But I believe a God in heaven made everything below
And I know we are his children; I've known it since I was two
But when it comes to being struck with awe, I'm just like you
It passes all my understanding, All the beauty we have here
From the majesty of the canyons To a tiny baby's ear
And even when I can't believe it, He still believes in me
It passes all my understanding"
We watched the sun set through the clouds in a tiny little airplane window
With people sleeping all aroundAnd I thought of how we just expect this world to be
And when the flight attendant passed me by I threw away my magazine
It passes all my understanding, that the Lord knows both our names
And that He made this world for everyone that was sitting on that plane
And in spite of all of man's distractions He offers us His peace
That passes all my understanding
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful world today!