I am making a plea to all you fabulous card makers out there. I recently ran across an opportunity to help a family who is going through a really rough time right now. "How can I help?", you ask. The answer is so easy...just by doing what you are already doing...making cards. How wonderful that we have this chance to bring a little love to this family as they are going through this hard time.
This is the post by Kristina Proffitt on 2 Peas that brought this to my attention:
Hi Peas!
Some of you might have heard about a card drive that myself, Jennifer McGuire and Jana Millen have organized for a sweet girl named Kate who is battling brain cancer. I wanted to post about it though just in case you haven't heard about it. We are asking people to participate in creating cards for Kate and her family and sending them to Jennifer. If you do participate your name will be entered to win one of the wonderful prizes we have! You can find out more information about the card drive and about sweet Kate and her family on my blog (see link below), Jennifer's blog
HERE or Jana's blog
HERE. We are updating the prize page a lot so always check back to see what has been added. If you make something, work for a company or have something that you'd like to donate - please pea mail me and let me know! We would love to add more and more donations to our list. If you aren't able to participate this time, we hope that you will put Kate and her family in your prayers.
Thank you so much for reading and if you have any questions just let me know! I hope you'll take a bit of time out of your day to brighten up the day of Kate and her family.
One more thing - if you post about the card drive on your blog, pea mail me or leave a comment on my blog. I am putting the names of everyone who is helping to spread the word about this card drive into a drawing for a little something from me.
Hugs to you all! I hope you'll join us!!
You can find Kristina's blog
Scroll down a little to find the post about this.
I'm so excited to be able to do a little something to bring a little bit of hope and love to this family. I hope you will join us and link this to your blogs as well.
Hugs, Cheryl