Monday, August 2, 2010

Call Me Crazy!!

What do you call a five day trip with seven people in one car...3 of those people being three and under...driving approx. 1,000 miles...a total of 18 hours in the car (one hour only having driven 2 miles...gotta love LA traffic) hotel room for those seven people (did I mention that three of them were three and under)? I call it the definition of insanity, but I've always loved being a little insane! Ohhhhhhhh the memories!!! Actually those three little ones did an AMAZING job with all that car riding!! They are champions!! Hope you are all having crazy fun this summer! Hugs, Cheryl


  1. Holy cow, girl!!!!! That's brave!!! LOL! I thought I was crazy for driving (with 3 others) to Chicago for CHA!!! Not the 3 others that was crazy, the us driving part! LOL! Looks like you had fun, some wonderful pics and nothing beter than time with your beautiful family!!!!

  2. Hi Cheryl, I have been missing you! Wondered what had happened! Glad it was a good thing! How brave you are to do that kind of road trip, but I know it was wonderful! Such a great 5 days of memories! Today is my granddaughters second birthday! Hugs, Sylvia!

  3. Wow I sure it was soooo fun and what a great memory!!!

  4. Love this collage and your post!
    You have me giggling ;-)
    Would make a great page or mini!

  5. Crazy ....but looks like lots of fun!!!

  6. Are you CrAzY? I love it! Hope that you had a fun time!

  7. Wow, thumbs up for surviving LA traffic!!! But it all looks fun and sounds fun to me, I bet you had a great time!

  8. Wow! It does sound a little crazy...but what memories!

  9. Absoulute CRAZY Cheryl... but It's a total FUN!!!!...especially the memories

    Love the pictures.... there are all gorgeous....xx

  10. Oh my gosh! You were crazy to do that and now even more so for the experience! LOL ;) Welcome back! :)

  11. Crazy? NO! Just great family fun and lots of memories!!! and great pics too!

  12. I can't seem to think of one word to sum it up. How about 3...Joy of Grandmotherhood! FUN photos, by the way.

  13. Ha ha...quite the memories! Thanks for an awesome vacation! Next year we'll have to take 2 cars-and 2 rooms :)

  14. Oh and I forgot to say I LOVE LOVE the pics, please send them to me cause mine aren't as good as yours!!
